Logan City Council is continuing to manage the impacts of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and assisting, where possible, with our community’s recovery.
Our top priority is the health and safety of our community, customers and staff.
The Logan Office of Economic Development is available to assist local businesses impacted by the Coronavirus. Our team is ready to talk you through the support and services on offer.
Please refer to the information below outlining the support that is available to businesses in Logan from government and various agencies.
Logan City Council & Logan Office of Economic Development
3412 4888 | loed.com.au | loed@logan.qld.gov.au
- Dedicated business advisors available for confidential business consultations
- Referral to all government business support agencies and programs
Queensland Government
1300 654 684 | business.qld.gov.au
A range of economic stimulus packages have been announced.
Keep up to date on what is available for your small business.
Go to www.covid19.qld.gov.au for the most up-to-date info on Qld’s COVID-19 response, including health stats & advice, business info, movement restrictions, funding support, the Care Army, the latest Qld govt responses, & more.
Pandemic risk management for business
This helpful resource from Business Queensland can help you prepare and respond during this pandemic. It outlines:
- What to include in a business continuity plan
- Advice on managing staff during a pandemic
- Communications during a pandemic
Australian Government
13 28 46 | business.gov.au
A range of economic stimulus packages have been announced.
Keep up to date on what is available for your small business.
Business information
Click here for information on your employer and business obligations if you or your employees are affected by Coronavirus, are travelling for work or, temporarily or permanently winding up your business.
Australian Taxation Office
1800 806 218 | ato.gov.au
To assist businesses experiencing financial difficulty as a result of COVID-19 the ATO are implementing a series of relief options.
These relief options will not be automatically applied, so you need to contact the ATO to discuss them.
If you or your business are experiencing financial difficulties because of COVID-19, phone the ATO Emergency Support Infoline on 1800 806 218.
Support includes
- Large business
- Payment deferrals
- Monthly GST credits
- Pay as you go instalments
- Remitting interest and penalties
- Low interest payment plans
- Super guarantee payments
- Supporting your wellbeing
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ)
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ), via Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) funding, is offering free CCIQ membership for 12 months for any Queensland based employer. This means organisations can access the CCIQ helpline immediately to get good and timely industrial relations advice.
To register for free membership sign up on the CCIQ website by 31 March 2020.
How should your business respond to Coronavirus? Visit the CCIQ Coronavirus portal.
- Managing staff
- Government support
- Cutting costs
- Remote working
- Get employer assistance support
- Live updates
- Maintain your equilibrium hosted by Logan Regional Chamber of Commerce – Monday 4 May at 10 am
The National Retail Association
nra.net.au | 1800 RETAIL (1800 738 245)
The National Retail Association is supporting Australian retailers with free resources available at nra.net.au. These resources include signage to communicate changes to trading hours, social distancing procedures and social media assets to update followers.
Export Council of Australia
02 8243 7400 | export.org.au/covid-19
The Export Council of Australia (ECA) is collecting information and resources to help Australian businesses involved in trade prepare for and mitigate any effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on business.
CPA Australia
1300 73 73 73 | cpaaustralia.com.au
Tips for small business to prepare for the business implications of COVID-19
Australian Cyber Security Growth Network | austcyber.com
Cyber security for startups and small businesses with remote working. View the fact sheet.
Australian Banking Association
02 8298 0417 | ausbanking.org.au
Australian banks have hardship teams ready to help you, depending on your circumstances.
Assistance could include
- deferring loan payments,
- waiving fees and charges,
- helping with debt consolidation,
- waiving penalties for early withdrawal of a term deposit or
- deferring upcoming credit card payments and increasing emergency limits
Please make contact with your own bank to understand what assistance is available to your circumstances.
Wellbeing resources
The coronavirus outbreak is challenging for everyone. If you would like some assistance or to speak to someone about how you are coping below are some resources available to you.
- Head to Health – COVID-19 Support
- Life in Mind has established a web page dedicated to Mental health support for COVID-19
- Beyond Blue has tips on how to look after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak.
- The Australian Psychological Society has an information sheet on how to cope with coronavirus anxiety.
- The World Health Organisation has information about mental health and coronavirus.
- RUOK? has tips about looking out for family members or friends who are struggling.
- The Butterfly Foundation has tips and advice for people with eating disorders.
- Phoenix Australia has tips for caring for yourself and your family.
- 1300 MH CALL: Mental health access line – a confidential mental health phone service, providing the first point of contact for mental health services to Queenslanders.
- SBS has COVID-19 health and mental health information in languages other than English.
- Headspace – How to cope with stress related to coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Lifeline 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention
We are continuing to keep a close eye on the impacts of the Coronavirus on our local businesses, please feel free to contact us if you require support.
We will continue to update our website loed.com.au with relevant news, programs and events as they develop.